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20 Photos to Convince you to Learn to Sail in Saskatchewan!

Did you know you can sail in Saskatchewan?

Despite being a landlocked province, there are several lakes with winds that are perfect for sailing.

At the Elbow Marina on Lake Diefenbaker you’ll find dozens of sailboats docked and ready to run with the wind.

I spend an entire week with the Saskatchewan Sailings Clubs Association and the Lake Diefenbaker Yacht Club learning how to sail an International 420 boat. From battling too much wind to not enough, it was a fantastic week on the water. The best part was the course was more than affordable. It cost just $100.00 for the entire five days from 9am to 4pm each day. (As the Learn-to-Sail program is a mobile school, the 10 sailing clubs around the province offer the course at varied prices which range from $100 to $250 depending on location.)

But instead of telling you how great the course and learning experience was, let me show you.

Here are 20 photos to convince you to learn to sail in Saskatchewan.



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