It’s been an unfortunately long time since I’ve posted anything on here, and I’m sorry about that. I quite enjoy writing blogs and information for people to check out, but honestly, in the past two months, I’ve been so busy living, loving, learning, and overcoming challenges that I just haven’t had the time to post. I’ve made a list of all the things I want to write about, and over the next week or two I’ll hopefully be able to fill you all in on everything that has been going on in my life.
What started with a previous post on musing about for what do you work and why I should splurge on an incredible 8 day cruise around the Galapagos Islands, ended in spending more time than I could have imagined furthering myself in a potential career as a PADI Scuba Divemaster in world-class, highly challenging dive sites around the islands. And now, quicker than I expected, I am coming to a close on my extended time here. I’ve changed my flight (for free, thankfully) three times just to remain here longer. And although I still have a few days left, my stomach turns over in knots just thinking about the moment when I’ll say goodbye to the amazing people, and the amazing place these islands are. I can already feel the tears creep up when I think about it. I keep telling everyone how magical these islands are – they are something so incredibly unique, and every day I wake up and pinch myself and wonder how I ended up spending almost two months of my life in such an exotic and incredible location. And saying goodbye is going to be, once again, one of the hardest things I’ll have to do.
I travel without making detailed plans so I can live freely with flexibility and everything over the last two months are the exact reasons why I don’t have a set itinerary. When I find somewhere, someone, and something I love, I make the choices necessary to continue being a part of what makes me so happy (re: following my heart) and the Galapagos seems to summarize so effortlessly for me each of those requirements.
So, in my final few days here (unless I get suckered into changing my flight again: real possibility!) I will be soaking in every single moment and every single bit of happiness that I can, knowing that when I leave, another little piece of my heart will be left behind in these oh-so-magical islands.